2017-18 S&T Program Announcement
Phase II Ski & Toboggan Seminar
o Learn and practice skills required to teach S&T to patrol candidates
o Students will complete a series of exercises at home prior to attending a one-day session on the hill. Instructors will include both PSIA and NSP Senior S&T staff. Emphasis will be on skills and techniques needed to effectively teach S&T to basic patrollers.
o Saturday January 20th at Hunt Hollow (weather permitting)
• [email protected] [email protected]
• Open to all NSP Alpine Patrollers
• Minimum of 5 students must register for the course to run
• A small fee may be required (TBD)
• Can be used as Senior Electives
• Register for this course on the NSP website:
o SnowSports Trainers Workshop course #E3280006