As the snow continues to fly, teasing us to another great season of skiing, I thank Rick Micoli for the welcome to this new position of Region Awards Advisor. Thank you to Rick for an excellent job over the past 6 years. I also thank Jerry Sherman for his support and congratulate him on his new position as National Awards Advisor.
The Region Awards Committee has a representative, or two, from all of our patrols. I thank them all for their hard work. Seek them out for help with a possible award for a fellow patroller. They are:
Advisor Kris Vasiliauskas [email protected]
Bristol Glenn Becker [email protected]
Bristol Betsy Landre [email protected]
Brantling Dave Vinke [email protected]
Hunt Hollow Bryan Howe [email protected]
Hunt Hollow Skip Millor [email protected]
Nordic Marcia Mundrick [email protected]
Nordic Deb Whalen [email protected]
Powder Mill Gwen Faulkner [email protected]
Swain Joe Menichino [email protected]
Review Board Scott Mundrick [email protected] Chair
Spring and Fall Awards presented this year:
A National Appointment was awarded to Steve Sipple # 12088. Congratulations Steve!
The Unit Citation Certificate was given to Bristol Mountain Ski Patrol for being nominated by Eastern Division for the National Outstanding Ski Patrol Award.
A Distinguished Service Award was presented to Sue Haefner. Although retiring from Hunt Hollow, she continues to serve our Region as an OEC IT and OEC Instructor. Thank you Sue!
Meritorious Service Awards were awarded to:
Mike Mooney for Region ID Advisor
Rick Micoli for Region Awards Advisor
Tom Wallin for Region OET Advisor
Deb Whalen for Region Nordic Advisor
A Purple Merit Star was awarded to Tim Eygabroad.
EDPAA from Brantling went to:
Brian Bartleson
Mark Lukacs
A 50 year National Lifetime Service Award was presented to Jim Nickerson.
This years Outstanding Genesee Valley Region Awards went to:
YAP – Nikki Martello from Swain (Outstanding Young Adult Patroller)
Lehman – Glenn Gebhard from Swain (Outstanding Instructor)
Mundrick – Elaine Pratt from Bristol (Outstanding OEC Instructor)
Stevens – John Starke from Hunt Hollow (Outstanding Patroller)
Doyle – Jerry Sherman from Bristol and Hunt Hollow (Region Distinguished
Service award for long term service to NSP in multiple disciplines)
Williams – Chris Babcock (Outstanding volunteer work outside of NSP)
Congratulations to all Award recipients.
Kris Vasiliauskas
Genesee Valley Region Awards Advisor