by John Topping, GVR Director
All of the refreshers are done, Thanksgiving is over and now all we need is a ton of snow!! Along with helping the skiing public, it is sure extra nice when there is a bunch of natural snow to play on.
Besides skiing, there are numerous opportunities for you to participate in some type of program sponsored by the region and I hope you take one or more of those opportunities. Please check the region website for the programs and the dates they are holding events. If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to the program advisor, they will be happy to help you out.
By the time this article comes out, the National elections will be completed. For those of you who voted, thank you for taking the time. I know you all were inundated with emails and information regarding the elections, but I promise, this was a very important year and we were not just interested in adding to your emails, but were interested in helping to keep the NSP as a vital and well-run organization. Hopefully that will be the case.
One announcement I would like to share with you is the Young Adult Patroller program is coming to Western New York. In the past, this event has been in Maine and Vermont and has been a long trip for those Young Adults and staff who attended. With the program coming to Holiday Valley, I hope we can show the program our full support. More information will be coming soon.
I want to thank the instructors, program advisors, patrol directors and all those that help make this region one of the best. We are very fortunate to have a lot of people who care and they spend a lot of their time working for you and I. Thank you!
I hope you have a safe and enjoyable ski season. As always, please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
John Topping
Region Director