The mentoring program in the Genesee Valley Region is specific to each discipline (OEC, S&T, MTR, Avalanche, Instructor Development). After completing the Instructor Development course, the instructor-trainee must then complete the specific mentoring program to become an instructor in any discipline. Therefore, the Regional Program Advisors will be responsible for delivering the mentoring program in each of their disciplines.
The mentoring responsibilities of the Region Program Advisors include:
- Assign mentors to trainees who have completed the instructor development course.
- Send a letter to the trainee welcoming her/him to the program and outlining the specific requirements for completion of the program for that discipline.
- Include the trainee on appropriate instructor rosters so they will receive program communications.
- Provide mentoring worksheets to both mentor and trainee.
- Provide an IT for final evaluation at the request of the mentor. The IT must be different from the mentor. An IT from another discipline may be used if necessary.
- Submit the course completion record to National when the trainee has completed requirements for becoming an instructor.
The responsibilities of the mentor include:
The mentor should assist the trainee in understanding the process of becoming an instructor, oversee his/her lesson planning, and observe and review the effectiveness of the trainee's lessons. When the mentor and the trainee believe that the trainee is ready, the trainee will present a lesson at which an IT will observe and make a final recommendation to the Region Advisor for training completion. This process is self-paced and the time it takes to complete mentoring will depend on the experience of the trainee.
The prgram Advisors should also interface with the Instructor Development instructors so that they will be able to provide information to the students in the Instructor Development class as to the requirements for becoming an instructor in a specific discipline. This information should be updated annually to the Instructor Development instructors so they can provide accurate information each year. The Program Advisors are encouraged, time permitting, to attend the last ID class, meet their prospective students, and answer any questions they may have.
It is also recommended that Program Advisors team experienced teachers who have an understanding of the mentoring process with the trainees. This mentoring information could be provided by the Program Advisors in writing or to the group of instructors when they have their annual meetings.